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This is the Logo for a quite different type of music website called "Offgrid Media Management" is where persons wishing to remain anonymous can distribute their media creations to an audience without revealing their identity. Theywant people to enjoy what they have created but don't wish to gig, do interviews, be in the press etc...

Please note... ALL music on this website is protected by © copyright


Well folks, it's like this...

...and 'NO' you don't have to sit a watch a ridiculously long repetitive video
promising the world and must decide 'today' to sign your life away, bla, bla bla.
Couldn't be more different.

I am a musician and a music producer. I distribute music but don't wish to gig endlessly to try to pay the bills. I also don't want to be known, hounded in social media or interviewed by numpties or even recognised in the street!

Yes, maybe I've 'lost the plot' but, i simply don't

If I can earn a return from folks enjoying and liking my music then great,
I'll get a buzz from that and can more easily pay may bills

I'm confident that there are artists out there with a similar outlook that wish
to simply focus on creating great music but really don't wish to be battered
by the industry, pressure, pressure, pressure, targets, and more targets etc but,

would very much like share their music and see how popular their track becomes

Really doesn't matter to me. Whatever genre.


Because you enjoy it and take pleasure from knowing others may 'get-it' too

earn something for your art

Don't wait forever for streaming income to be worthwhile

This is NOT a threat to the big players as the amount of people wishing to stay

anonymous and don't need to be idolised or be invited to pretentious parties

or be an 'influencer' (good grief) etc.



We offer something a little different

Still with us, read on, you'll be surprised, hopefully!

A far simpler model than the seemingly endless T&C's for almost anything you do

nowadays. OK, there will still be agreements from the chosen distributor that we have to agrree to and so you'll need to as well and from other 3rd parties to get stuff done but very little from us.

So, here it is...
No reams of gobaldygook baffling you into never making a decision

but instead a simple idea...

1: Get it distributed to hopefully gain some visibility and who knowns you might get lucky with a hit and get 100,000+ streams... but don't get your hopes up

2: Also, actually 'sell it' instead of just 'streaming' and make some 
actual 'real money' to pay your

other bills and live a little bit instead of fractions of a penny per stream etc

3: Have someone else, (us) do all the very boring stuff

4: Keep you completely invisible, (offgrid)

No one will know who you are or where you live, what you think/feel/dream,

what you have for breakfast etc

So, unless instructed by you the default answer is 'No Comment'. 

You won't even know who else we manage.

5: We deal with all enquiries about you and follow your instruction on

when to forward anything so you don't get hassle from heaps of timewasters

6: We take 10% of whatever comes in and we pay you 90%, (monthly)

one month behind so we can add it all up, (hopefully lots of figures to input)

7: You focus on whatever your priorities are

8: You choose what you want to be known as

The only proviso name/symbol must be clean and legal and not actually

mean something horrid somewhere across the world.

Or even just a sign/symbol or number

9. You set up an account however you prefer and that's what we pay into

10: your still free to do whatever else you want obviously but

bear in mind once the cat is out of the bag etc...

A different low pressure way to get your creations out there and hopefully you earn some money

1: Rocket science

2: a con, scam, dubious scheme or weird pyramid thing

3: Money to us before you have earnt anything


You DON'T pay us because...

we only take our 10% when you have actually earnt something

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